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Watch Kaiju Booska Online

  • 6/10
  • Subtitles: 日本語

Kaiju Booska is a famous children's sitcom, and the first to feature the friendly monster Booska. Produced by Tsuburaya Productions, the show aired on Nippon TV from November 9, 1966 to September 27, 1967, with a total of 47 episodes. Booska is the name of a cute, friendly human-sized kaiju that looks like a cross between a bucktoothed teddy bear and a giraffe. It was originally an iguana until its owner fed it experimental food, a similar concept to the cartoon Ned's Newt. Created by Eiji Tsuburaya, Booska made his debut in the popular 1966 children's TV series, Monster Booska, produced by Tsuburaya Productions.