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Watch La Femme Nikita Season 3 Episode 21 Online

  • 7.449/10
  • Subtitles: English

Literally playing with fire, Michael and Nikita are setting up clandestine rendezvous on Section missions as a way to get around Operations and Madeline's ban on their seeing each other (See Third Party Ripoff). Operations and Madeline still suspect Michael and Nikita of seeing each other on the side, so Madeline starts sending Davenport along on Michael's and Nikita's mission to spy on them. Meanwhile, Madeline orders Birkoff to sweep Michael's and Nikita's computer panels for secret communication, and when Birkoff does indeed discover communications between the two, it implicates Walter as their go-between. Will Birkoff turn in Walter? And, if so, what will happen to Michael, Nikita and Walter?