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Watch La Femme Nikita Season 5 Episode 6 Online

  • 7.449/10
  • Subtitles: English

Nikita and Mr. Jones have The Collective's "mole" narrowed down to four suspects: Operations, Quinn, Walter and the late Marco O'Brien, but Mr. Jones has a fifth possibility that Michael Samuelle is still alive, and that he is the "mole." While granting to Mr. Jones the theoretical possibility that Michael may be alive, Nikita denies that he would never be the "mole" for The Collective, Graff and Haled. Meanwhile, Operations sets out personally to see to it that an anti-Collective mission goes according to plan, but it's The Collective that is poised to blow Operations' plane out of the sky! Can and will Nikita save Operations' butt, one last time or should she even bother?