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Watch Max Steel Season 2 Episode 9 Online

  • 8.2/10
  • COUNTRIES: United States of America
  • Subtitles: English

Max & Kat are sent to Kansas, where a former N-Tek employee, Dr. Klimo, is continuing his experimentation into harnassing the DNA of poisonous animals to create new weapons. (Jefferson had fired him when his experiments started going beyond good science. He USED to be a nice guy, even playing ball with N-Tek employee kids, like little Josh McGrath.) They find Klimo at work in an old barn, surrounded by cages of bats & snakes, and huge bubbling vats. He isn't interested in being taken back to Del Oro Bay, and a fight ensues. Klimo falls off a platform down into one of his vats of bubbling blue toxins. Just as Max & Kat turn to go, lamenting his death, a creature rises out of the vat -- Klimo's DNA has been altered, and his body is now sssssuper-ssssstrong, and constructed of coiled ssssssnakes! Klimo has become a poisonoussssss sssssnake himself, and can call other sssssnakes to help. They fight further, with Kat getting hurt in the ankle, but eventually Klimo morphs into a long,