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Watch Robot Wars Season 6 Episode 31 Online

  • 6.8/10
  • Subtitles: English

Robots from the British Commonwealth come to the arena to fight to be crowned the new Commonwealth Carnage champion. Who will win? We'll find out in round 1. Bondi-Titch From: Australia Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.66M X 1.07M X 0.87M Power: 2 X Electric Motors Weapons: Pneumatic Hammer Strengths: Very Agile Weaknesses: Inexperienced Team Team Captain: Matthew Jennings With: Linda Jennings Corkscrew From: Scotland Weight: 99 Kilos Dimensions: 0.65M X 0.88M X 0.88M Power: 3 X 750W Electric Motors Weapons: 6 Blades Strengths: 360 Degree Killing Zone Weaknesses: Difficult to Control Team Captain: John Heatlie With: Lewis and Laurence Heatlie Wel-Dor III From: Northern Ireland Weight: 96 Kilos Dimensions: 0.55M X 1.16M X 0.85M Power: 2 X Electric Motors Weapons: Flipper and Rotating Blade Strengths: Speed and Power Weaknesses: Untested in Battle Team Captain: Phelim Laundy With: David Laundy Firestorm IV From: United Kingdom Weig