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Watch Robot Wars Season 7 Episode 18 Online

  • 6.8/10
  • Subtitles: English

A lot of flippers in this semi-final. A spinner too. Who will move on to the Grand Final and win the 20,000? Firestorm V From: County Durham Seated: #2 Weight: 94 Kilos Dimensions: 0.33M X 1.10M X 0.93M Power: 3KW Electric Motor Weapons: Flipper Strengths: Fast and Manouverable Weaknesses: 2 Wheel Drive Only Team Captain: Graham Bone With: Hazel Haslop Mute From: Staffordshire Weight: 96 Kilos Dimensions: 0.26M X 0.96M X 0.67M Power: 4 HP Electric Motors Weapons: Front and Rear Flippers Strengths: Strong Armor Weaknesses: Vulnerable to Pits Team Captain: Adam Emmett With: Daniel Emmett and Jeremy Honcox Thermidor II From: Norfolk Seated: #14 Weight: 95 Kilos Dimensions: 0.34M X 1.07M X 1.08M Power: 2 X 740W Electric Motors Weapons: Co2 Powered Flipper Strengths: Quick and Strong Weaknesses: Limited Gas Supply Team Captain: David Harding With: Ian Harvey and Nigel Brackenbury Typhoon 2 From: The Edinburgh Air Force, Scotland