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Watch Slayers Season 2 Episode 23 Online

  • 7.5/10
  • COUNTRIES: Japan
  • Subtitles: 日本語

While going to Sairaag, Lina takes her anger out of some bandits, and someone hiding in back of a bush, who turned out to be Sylphiel. Sylphiel has no doubts on going with them (including Martina-- but she has something else in mind, non-revenge on Lina) and questions Lina about her relationship with Gourry. Lina gives her answer like she did with the first season, is until Gourry decides to give her the sword of light, they will be off (despite Sylphiel liking Gourry.) They are then attacked by a guy, who has the Sword of Light. They fight him off, and joining the fight is Zangulus. Lina manages to use the Laguna Blade against this skilled swordsmen, only to find out it's Gourry behind it.