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Watch The Challenge Season 5 Episode 15 Online

  • 7.3/10
  • COUNTRIES: Australia,United States of America
  • Subtitles: English

We start off with Mike acting like 'The Miz' and Timmy and Theo just making fun of him. At breakfast, they are told their next mission will be that night and they will be given their outfits shortly. They're also told they will need to be weighed in. From that, they already know that involves some sorta battle, either boxing or wrestling. They are then given their outfits which lets them know that they will be wrestling. Mike is excited saying this is the mission he's been waiting for. They receive a message saying the mission will be at 6pm. They arrive at the mission and discover that they will be doing ""Siamese Wrestling"" where teams will be tied back to back with a corset and then have to wrestle the opposite team in a ring covered in bubbles. A match will have a winner when they can get one of the opposing team member's shoulders down on the mat for 3 seconds.