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Watch The Drew Carey Show Season 7 Episode 17 Online

  • 6.6/10
  • COUNTRIES: United States of America
  • Subtitles: English

Drew, inspired by his short stint as a security guard, buys a police scanner. After hearing of an incident at the Warsaw, he races over to the bar and tries to offer his assistance to the police. An attractive cop decides to go out with him, explaining that she wants to take a break from dating good-looking guys. Drew soon discovers that he and Marlo have nothing in common, and his health goes into decline because of her constant smoking and his allergy to her cat. He plans to break up with her, but becomes terrified of the consequences after seeing her rough up a guy whose only offense was a broken taillight. Oswald and Colleen ask Lewis to give them some time alone at the house. He claims to have begun dating a co-worker, but actually sleeps in Drew's basement. Drew finally breaks up with Marlo, who becomes enraged and vows revenge. When Lewis comes up for a snack late that night, Drew believes that Marlo has come after him. He shoots Lewis in the leg. Marlo concludes that