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Watch The Steve Harvey Show Season 2 Episode 10 Online

  • 6.891/10
  • COUNTRIES: United States of America
  • Subtitles: English

Steve has competition for Regina's affections when her college beau comes back to town to take a job as a sportscaster and to renew their relationship. - - - As the student body pummels the school mascot with paper balls, a school tradition at pep rallies, Bullethead moves in to protect it. Only when the mascot takes off the costume head does he learn Kim, a beautiful new student, has taken over the job. Romeo encourages Bullethead to ask Kim on a date. When retired football star Warrington Steele arrives at the high school, Steve and Cedric usher him to see Regina, where, to Steve's surprise, he passionately kisses her. Warrington now lives in Chicago and works as a TV news sportscaster. After Warrington exits, Steve learns he and Regina were once romantically involved and she almost married the star. Steve is insulted that Regina never told him about the relationship. Meanwhile, only after Bullethead gets himself a date with Kim does he learn that she has a weight problem. Bearing